
Magdelachile's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 10 (From 2 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 65 Points

Dream Punk

Medals Earned: 5/19 (35/340 points)

Move 5 Points

Learn to move.

Bounce 5 Points

Learn to bounce.

Hook 10 Points

Learn to hookshot

Map 5 Points

Learn how to use the map.

Tape Collector 10 Points

Collect a tape.

Glide 10 Points

Learn to glide.

Grind 25 Points

Learn to grind.

"Ness" 25 Points

Learn how to "Ness"

Recall 50 Points

Ascend the mountain and learn how to remember.

1 Chime 10 Points

Ring 1 chime.

2 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 2 chimes.

3 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 3 chimes

4 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 4 chimes

5 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 5 chimes

6 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 6 chimes.

7 Chimes 10 Points

Ring 7 chimes.

8 Chimes 25 Points

Ring 8 chimes.

9 Chimes 50 Points

Ring all 9 chimes.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Stats 50 Points

Fully max out a stat.


Medals Earned: 5/11 (30/265 points)

EEEE 5 Points

Play the game

well that was easy 5 Points

Beat level 1

this is literally sooo easy!!! 5 Points

Beat level 2

still easy i guess 5 Points

Beat level 3

oh no is it getting harder.... (still ez tho) 10 Points

Beat level 4


Beat level 5

i forgot my keys 25 Points

Beat level 6

MORE KEYS!!! 25 Points

Beat level 7

me when i teleport (idk...) 25 Points

Beat level 8

im going to scream 50 Points

Beat level 9


Beat level 10